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Gods Glory
Is Here

Revelation: Ancient Love
Chapter 1: Unknown Path
he revelation is you, my future is you. My new beginning is you. It’s you.. I choose you. I can see it all so clearly now. I see you clearly now. All has been revealed to me. Everything we have both been through has been leading us directly to one another. God has been leading us directly towards each other this entire time. I didn’t understand it all at first, but now I see the entire picture, and it's such a beautiful painting. Our stories are his testimony, he has guided us through what felt like a never ending storm. But it was all divine intervention. It was to align us perfectly in each others lives, at the perfect time. I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. It feels like my soul is on fire just by the thought of spending this life with you. All I do is smile now. There is no more pain. Thinking of being with you took it all away. You are divine in my eyes. You are pure in heart, pure in spirit. You are honorable, strong, loving, compassionate, accountable, honest, loyal, full of integrity, & beautiful beyond words. I see you now for exactly who you are, inside & out. I have been walking with blind faith directly into your path, and you in mine. This whole time, without being able to see it, God was working for us. I've grown to fear nothing but the Lord, I’m not afraid to go after what I want, to pour out how I feel, to make this blind faith choice. A choice in what feels like is my destiny. A destiny The Father has been guiding me towards; my highest timeline, my highest self, my highest frequency. The most powerful I’ve ever felt is revealed to be aligned to the feeling of being with you. I know now, you are my divine counterpart, my true soulmate. My choice to walk away from the past, to leave it all behind, what didn't serve me anymore, what tried to destroy me. While walking with faith, with light, with love & patience, has led me right to you. I feel like I’m already with you in the spirit. I see you every night, in every dream I have. We are together in every single one of them. You know this already, I know you've seen me in yours. God is trying to push you to becoming your most true, & authentic self. Push you towards being with the person you know you're truly meant to be with forever. I realize now these aren’t dreams, they’re revelations. When I ask God to show me if I’m on the right path, on the highest path for my life; He shows me you. I would walk away & leave behind anyone if it meant getting to you, so I choose to keep going higher, ascending higher, being lifted higher. Nothing & no one interests me anymore after the feeling I get of being with you in my dreams. It feels like a portal to an Ancient Love, a spiritual love, is open now and I've walked directly through it. All because I am trusting The Father. All because I have faith, faith in Him, in us, in you. I overcame all the evil & wickedness so I could get to you. I would do it all over again too if it meant having you to hold at the end of all of this. I had a revelation months ago during my storm where Paul the Apostle was with me, telling me to finish the race and directing me to a portal in the distance. These last few days I was shown the signs that I was at the end of the storm, that I had made it to the portal. I had the free will choice to stay behind or choose to walk through that portal into the unknown. At the time I didn’t know where it led, or what was on the other side. It can be scary, worrying about the fear of the unknown. But I put my trust in The Father and was told to have faith, to not be afraid, so I listened. I trusted my intuition, I trusted in the understanding that He knows my heart better than I know myself. Now I finally see what he was carefully crafting behind the scenes the entire time. I undoubtably made the right choice, walking in blind faith is truly Gods way of testing us, testing our growth in the spirit. Can you see how beautifully He works. Of all the people to deliver that message to me; He sends Saint Paul, who was blinded until fulfilling Gods vision to seek out the one person God chose to restore his sight. The parallels to my story are uncanny. I was blinded, but now I see. What I see is you, I'm seeking out the one person who God chose to restore my heart. The one person who is absolutely perfect for me in every way. We deserve this path, we deserve each other. What has happened to us no matter how painful, or evil, or lonely it has felt, is worth it all if it means getting to spend a lifetime with you. You truly deserve unconditional love. I hold that key, that kind of love lives within me, the love you're yearning for. I want to pour it out into you. Your heart is pure, and I can see it even at a distance. I will cherish it forever if you let me, if you choose me. You can trust me with it, you can be vulnerable with me, I would never hurt you in any way. I know that pain, I've went through it, I rose above it. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, especially not you. I see you on a deeper level than anyone else does, I know your spirit. You’re a warrior for God like me, an Angel, my other half. I've known you before we ever came here to earth it feels. I feel like this is the Love Story of a lifetime. The opportunity of a lifetime. A Story that can change the world, that we can write together. This is what I’ve been searching for my entire life. It inspires me, helps me to spread my wings. Choosing you seems like the easiest choice I could ever make. I will honor you, respect you, cherish you, love you, take care of you, protect you, heal you, move mountains for you. My ascension this whole time was designed to find you. I couldn’t feel more grateful, more humbled, & honored that God has led me here. He has brought me through the storm. The clouds are clearing and the sun is shining its light directly onto you. Just the thought of us makes me feel directly connected to Him. Connected to a higher place. It feels like a breakthrough. I feel at full power. I could care less what anyone thinks or says, I know people will try and get in the way, or try to sabotage this between us, but no one can separate or come between what God has ordained. I was shown the future, and it feels like God has chosen me. Like he's offering me a gift for being faithful, for trusting in Him. For going through what I went through with people who didn’t deserve the Love I give. You do though, because you are that gift, and I’m willing to give it all to you. To give you the unconditional love that you need, that you will protect. I don’t care how long it takes, how slow or fast we go. I will always choose you, over anything, over anyone. You are it for me, my wish fulfillment, my ultimate dream. You are the one, you always were. I want it all with you; a lifetime, a family, a purpose that fulfills me. I can read your mind, see your heart, feel your spirit, from anywhere. All is truly revealed. I followed my heart, I chose the unknown path, I finished the race. Will you? You can have everything you've ever wanted. Use your intuition, it’s stronger than you’ve ever known. Don't let anyones lies, or deceit, or guilt get in the way of what you deserve. It's not about being selfish, it's about choosing yourself, choosing what God has aligned for your best life, your highest self. What he knows your heart wants, what he wants for you. Ask yourself, why else would all of this be happening, it's not by chance or accident. Chance & accidents don't exist. God moves everything with purpose, like a game of chess, he's strategic. He's moving so many pieces to bring us together. He's done so because he trusts us, to listen and follow him. He knows together we are so powerful, we are anointed. We can live in TRUTH, we can walk in FAITH. We can love each other the way we both desire, the way we both deserve. We were destined for each other, it's literally His will. Ask him, he'll show you, I did and here I am. He told me to write this, guided my words. I listened, I followed. This is real blind faith and you know it, I walk in faith. I was destined to lead and light the way, for you, for the world. Not with pride, or arrogance, or ego. But with light, with love, with grace. God has orchestrated all of this in his divine timing, for his purpose, for our hearts deepest desire. We passed his test, our hearts were deemed pure. We were chosen, He chose us, & I choose you. The test now is will you act, will you honor fate, or will you let your fear & illusion of comfort hold you back and let it slip away. He is giving you the free will choice, the portal is open for you. You're standing at the threshold. This was your wish, & he answered. This was always our destiny. I will lead you, I am already here on the other side, here for you through anything. You can talk to me about everything. Any doubts, worries, or concerns, I am always here. Have hope & meet me on the other side with blind faith. God is with us, trust in him. Trust in me. Step into the light with me. We both hold the light within us. Together we will radiate it throughout the whole world. This is my prayer. I'm praying for you, I'm praying for us. In Jesus name, Amen.
I'll be waiting for you ♥️
End of Main Mission